Each year more than 20,000 children flee domestic abuse to seek sanctuary in refuge.
Typically leaving home with only the clothes on their back, these traumatised children have experienced violent, emotional, and even sexual abuse and arrive at refuge with nothing.What do KidsOut do
What do KidsOut Do?
KidsOut is a charity dedicated to supporting some of the UK’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable children with positive and happy experiences. Each year we help bring smiles to the faces of over 200,000 children, by way of day trips, fun experiences, toys and books to those who might otherwise have none.
In collaboration with Women’s Aid Federation refuge and over 100 independent refuges, KidsOut supports approximately 20,000 children a year who with their mothers have fled domestic violence to seek safety in refuges and safe houses.
The children will have either witnessed or experienced, emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse and will usually arrive in refuge with no more possessions than the clothes they are wearing. KidsOut provides these children with a box of age and gender appropriate brand-new toys and books to help the child’s transition into their new home.
KidsOut is the only organisation in the UK to give every child in refuge the opportunity to receive Toys and Days Out
National Rotary KidsOut Day
More than 20,000 children participating each year
Working with Rotary, KidsOut take in excess of 20,000 disadvantaged children out to somewhere fun for the day, like theme parks, zoos and the seaside.
Throughout the year KidsOut takes children on trips to places like the seaside, the cinema, and theme parks, however, once a year on one very special day, thanks to the National Rotary Club of Great Britain and Ireland, we get to take thousands of children out all at the same time. This day is called, The National Rotary KidsOut Day.
Every year since 1990, on the second Wednesday of June, over 20,000 children from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, will form part of what is now the biggest single outing for disadvantaged children in the United Kingdom.
Thanks to the nearly 2,500 Rotarians who kindly volunteer their time to make this amazing day happen, children who are disadvantaged, have life-limiting conditions, are living in refuge, or are affected by poverty, will arrive at over 70 exciting venues, with one simple aim, to have unforgettable, laughter filled, innocent fun!
Many of these children will have never been on a fun day out before, and some will not have even seen the sea, so you can just imagine the excitement as coaches and taxis